来源:福布斯作者:Leeor Shimron编译:比推BitpushNews2024 年是比特币和更广泛的加密货币生态系统的历史性转折点。这一年,...
The frequent security attacks in 2024 once again remind us that the development of the blockchain industry cannot be separated from the protection of security.
MicroStrategy股票今年上涨402%,Core Scientific上涨307%;某匿名用户10天前曾在Babylon上质押1万枚BTC;VitaDAO拟分发690万枚BIO给VITA和VitaDAO IPT持有者。
分析师预计,以太坊将在稳定币、代币化和 AI 领域保持主导地位,并通过重质押和二层网络的创新推动生态系统发展,价格有望突破历史新高。
为纪念这一年的荒唐与辉煌,我们整理了一份 69 个未排名的年度最蠢时刻清单。
来源:链上数据分析师 Murphy筹码结构决定着 BTC 价格回调的下限每一次推动市场情绪变化的事件发生,都伴随链上换手量的突然...
尽管这次 Story Protocol 雇佣 Luna 作为推特内容实习生是独立事件,但结合 ATCP/IP,背后体现的是未来 Agent 经济的基础设施建设已经开始迈步了。
MicroStrategy股票今年上涨402%,Core Scientific上涨307%;某匿名用户10天前曾在Babylon上质押1万枚BTC;VitaDAO拟分发690万枚BIO给VITA和VitaDAO IPT持有者。
日前,DeAgentAI 宣布推出全新活动季"Joe's Cat",并准备了高达 2 亿枚 DA 代币作为生态激励。
Today, Sister Sa’s team will use recent cases that have occurred/solved as an example to talk to you about some key information revealed by these examples of currency-related official crimes in the crypto era.
来源:福布斯作者:Leeor Shimron编译:比推BitpushNews2024 年是比特币和更广泛的加密货币生态系统的历史性转折点。这一年,...
The Israeli Securities Authority (ISA) has approved six mutual funds that track the price of Bitcoin, launched by Migdal Capital Markets, More, Ayalon, Phoenix Investment, Meitav and IBI. Fund management fees range from 0.25% to 1.5%, and one of the funds is actively managed with the goal of outperforming Bitcoin. Initially, these funds will only trade once a day, but they may be able to trade continuously in the future.